Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 13 Muddiest Point

My muddiest point from chapter 13 is interpreting infared spectrums. I understand no observable data can be retrieved from the fingerpoint region. My main misunderstanding is how carbonyl groups are located on the spectrum. I know that each absorption depends on the particular types but do not understand how rings and double bonds are identified. I found in chapter 21 that aldehydes and ketones give a strong peak at 1700 due to the C-O double bond. I also found that the sp3 hybridized C-H bond of an aldehyde shows one or two peaks at 2700-2830. These exact positions of the carbonyl absorptions provide additional information about a compound. For example, most aldehydes have a C-O double bond peak around 1730 and ketones peak around 1715. The carbonyl absorption of cyclic ketones shifts to a higher wavenumber as the size of the ring decreases and the ring strain increases. Weaker bonds absorb at a lower frequency on the spectrum. After reading this section of chapter 21, I understand more about how to interpret carbonyl groups on infared spectrums.


  1. All of the different peaks and where things are located on the spectrum is a lot to take in and understand. I think it will all come with practice. You seem to be thorough about the info you found about the different peaks and where they occur. Good work on the blog

    -The High School Chemist

  2. At first, I was a little confused with this same concept, but after reading the text, I began to figure it out. You did a good job describing the different regions on the spectrum and their wavelenths. Your blog is very pretty too! Good job! :)

  3. After reading this and both of the comments, I have to agree with everyone, this is a tough topic. When I first read it in the book, I didn't understand it either, but after searching on the internet, I found this website:
    This website really made things clear for me, it shows steps and gives examples as well.To be honest, I thought this website was a lot more helpful then the book was, because it goes step by step and gives examples and shows the graphic version of each. Overall, I think you did a good job!

